Cult of Learning 2: Three Myths of Learning

The Cult of Learning Series.png

/CULT/K^LT/A fashionable belief, idea, or attitude that influences people’s lives/The cult of learning encourages people to find and pursue what they are passionate about/

*”The Cult of Learning” are episodes for learners of languages. These episodes will discuss tools and strategies for learning and provide opportunities for effective listening practice. These episodes are also part of the Learn YOUR English Learner Membership Community.

In episode two, Mike and Leo talk about myths around learning. There are many beliefs about how people learn in the 21st Century - especially about how people learn languages - that are not actually true. 

The guys talk about three of them:

Myth 1: We can only learn in the classroom 

Myth 2: We can only learn from a textbook

Myth 3: We can only learn with a teacher

At the end of the first segment, Mike and Leo assign a reflection task. Listen for that and let us know your answers!

For LYE Members: All of our members will be discussing this episode in our classes this month and performing learning activities to achieve their language goals. 

Thank you for listening! If you like the show, consider subscribing on SpotifyiTunes, or Google Podcasts, and sharing it with a friend. If you have a comment or question about today's show, we'd love to hear from you: 

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