The Cult of Learning 6: Why Learn a New Language?

/CULT/K^LT/A fashionable belief, idea, or attitude that influences people’s lives/The cult of learning encourages people to find and pursue what they are passionate about/

The Cult of Learning Series.png

*”The Cult of Learning” are episodes for learners of languages. These episodes will discuss tools and strategies for learning and provide opportunities for effective listening practice. These episodes are also part of the Learn YOUR English Learner Membership Community.

In this episode, Andrew joins Leo in studio and they discuss reasons for learning a new language, both good and bad. In the last segment, the guys talk about motivation vs discipline, and how to make language learning a habit and not a chore.

Why do you learn new languages? What habits have you developed along the way?

Resources mentioned in this episode that we recommend checking out:

Ted Talk - 4 Reasons to Learn a Language 

James Clear - Atomic Habits 

The Michelle Obama Podcast 

LYE Quick Fix

LYE YouTube Channel 

Download our E-book for FREE on our website. We hope it helps you learn outside the classroom!

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