From prescriptive to reactive: Completely transform how you approach grammar
Discover the role grammar plays - and doesn’t play - and never deal with it the same way again.
What Teachers Say

Here’s some of what we cover:
Grammar from the top-down, bottom-up, and the airplane window
Advanced Grammar for Teacherpreneurs has helped hundreds of teachers transform how they approach grammar in their classes.
Are you ready to be one of them?
Transform how you approach grammar today
Does any of this Sound Familiar?
My students have a hard time understanding grammar explanations
My students can’t understand the essence of a particular verb ‘tense’
My students don’t understand the relationship between grammar and meaning
As a teacher, I don’t fully understand how the verb system works
I don’t think I’ve learned enough grammar in my pre-service course to feel comfortable teaching it
I feel that the grammar in course books doesn’t reflect the way language is actually used
My language awareness is a bit weak and I don’t know how to improve it
That’s what inspired us to create this course
There are many teachers like you who:
feel like their students just don't get it
are spending hours explaining grammar rules to students, but experiencing small gains in terms of language learning and acquisition.
are not teaching language based on real concepts of time, tense, and aspect
are spending money on grammar courses that only explain grammar structures commonly found in course books, but not being able to accurately reflect on and critique them
Put all that behind you today.
What You’ll Learn
Grammar for Teachers includes a comprehensive curriculum with videos, tasks, task analysis, and reflection.
Bottom-up CPD is a staple with LYE.
Module 0: Language Awareness
what is language awareness?
defining language Awareness & its origins
Assessing our own Language Awareness
what is language analysis?
Limitations of Language Awareness
Module 1: What is Grammar?
sources of knowledge
Authority in Language Description
Corpora & Corpus Studies
Grammar & Meaning
Grammar & Function
Spoken & Written Grammar
Formality & Register
Implications for the Teacher
What Grammar should we include in a syllabus?
Module 2: Analyzing Tense & Time
Why grammar?
The issue of overgeneralization
The idealization of grammar and the Airplane Window
Grammar, Meaning, and the Problem of Idealization
Misleading Idealizations
The notion of time
Understanding verb tenses & focus on form
Understanding tense & focus on meaning
Past Tense: The Distant Remote Tense?
Module 3: Analyzing Aspect
What is aspect?
The role of aspect
The two aspects of English
Recognizing aspect
Addressing common errors
Module 4: Examining Voice
Identifying voice
agents and prepositions in passive structures
voice in discourse
the end-focus principle
common problems for learners